lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Paradis Artificiel's 1st Year Anniversary.

Today is a wonderful day.

A year ago I started this little blog with the purpose of share what I love the most: Books. And now, here we are, celebrating our first year of life. It is incredible how much time has passed. How many memories, how many researches. Oh, the nostalgia. But not let's be sad, My Dear Reader; because today is a day of celebration.

So, please, rise your glass with me to celebrate. Here's to you My Dear Reader, to me, to books and to this astounding blog; that I wish see growing more and more.

Yours sincerely...
P.S.: Thanks for coming by...

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

El Francotirador - Chris Kyle, Jim DeFelice, Scott McEwen

Author: Chris Kyle, Jim DeFelice, Scott McEwen
Original title: American Sniper
Translator: David León
Country: USA
Language: Spanish
Genre:  Biography, Essay, Memoirs
Publication date: January 22, 2015
ISBN: 978-84-9892-782-5

La Interpretación de los Sueños - Sigmund Freud

Author: Sigmund Freud
Original title: Die Traumdeutung
Translator: Jose Luis López Ballesteros y de Torres
Country: Germany
Language: Spanish
Genre:  Psychology, Essay, Study
Publication date: 1923
ISBN: 978-84-9892-782-5

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015